
Go Down the Yellow Lace Road

For generations lace and netting and textiles have played a massive role in ladies fashion. It has played major starring roles in any good movie. Layering has become more prominent and so has thickness. I find it important that as cheap tacky skimpy things are starting to replace lace etc we all remember about how AWESOME textiles are.


Felling Like Stuffing, Awkward Photos (Christmas)

Sorry for not posting for a while but I have been too busy lazing around and complaining about how bad and boring christmas is. Well actually things are starting to look up. I have recently been shopping in Portobello, got a haircut and met up with an old friend so I am now pretty satisfied apart from the fact I have to go to this christmas party that goes until around midnight full of crazy bad dancers and my mum getting a 'bit too jolly' if you know what I mean. But any excuse to wear PJ's all day and slop on the sofa and not having to watch my weight knowing that everyone is going back to school with their belly's twice the size as last term (at least I hope they do otherwise I'll be the fat kid) puts a smile on my face. The other thing that excites me about christmas are the TV specials because they are always better than the rest of the episode because producers are wanting us to get hooked on the next series.

Awkward Photo (by the way that's not me)

(Portobello Buy)

And with that I bid you all a merry Christmas!

free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com


Thriller Headshots

Halloween is probably my favorite holiday, because it’s so darned fun. Costumes, candy, the supernatural. Me and my best friend Moo went round her area trick or treating. I had to keep on asking if I could take pictures of peoples pumpkins because they were so amazing! we dressed up in velvet dresses and smudged make up. Coincidentally like the Manuel Bolaño Spring/Summer 2012 collection, will do a post about that later. I was so smuged out with my American Candy that you cannot find in London, you probably can but I don't know where.

 American Kit Kat versus British Kit Kat