

Dear humble blog readers and contributors... I have (for a long time) been wanting to write something meaningful but I have found that no matter how much I want to say I am always overwhelmed by the looming shadows of brilliant intellectuals who I feel can promote what I want to say in better ways then me. I am scared that I will not make a difference in this world that to me is so full of corrupt and disgusting things; capitalism, poverty, exploitation, war, global warming, dictators, violent computer games, people that accept these things etc.. It's true I want to live an exciting life thick and enriched from different experiences and new people but I can't help but feel useless unless I contribute and try to change the things I think are so wrong about this society. I don't want to be one of those people that wines and moans about things but doesn't even try to change it. I think that is why as a human race we cannot achieve our ideals. I know I'm only 14 and it's weird for me to be 'ranting' on like this but I honestly feel like this. I feel so repressed because I'm told I'm too young to change things but then i start feeling like I've waited too long to start. I guess lots of people my age experience this form of teen angst. Even though this is being written on a whim this is what I've been trying to say for a long time and I know I'm not that good at writing and I know this post is dull and has no photos but I'm numb right now and probably if I re read it I'll feel too exposed and try and edit it down, but I'm tired of feeling like that!...

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